mercredi 2 juin 2010

Risk taking test

Pour mon cours d'anglais, on doit répondre à un questionnaire sur le net sur la perception du risque et je croyais que j'étais une personne qui prenais un peu moins de risque que cela. Voici les résultats :

Sensation-seekers thrive on new, intense, and varied situations. Their personalities are associated with risk-taking because sensation-seeking drives individuals to seek out highly stimulating experiences, which often include risk. Sensation-seekers have strong positive reactions to intense stimuli. While there are many constructive aspects of this personality type, those with this trait often take more risks, are more impulsive, and become bored more easily. In certain ways, a sensation-seeking personality is an asset - such individuals thrive on stress, action, uncertainty, and challenge. In other ways, it is a liability - they may take outlandish risks. Low sensation-seekers, on the other hand, are reliable, can handle monotony, and prefer to sleep on their decisions. They avoid novel and stimulating experiences.

You scored in the mid-range in sensation-seeking. You need a moderate level of excitement and stimulation - not too little, not too much. You could probably handle both new situations and monotony, although neither extreme is ideal for you. Your moderate need for stimulation makes you a versatile employee.

Sur une échelle de 100, j'obtiens 46. Pour suivre le test, c'est ici!

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